Nurses Training

Keeping in view the social and humanitarian activities of Late Dr. Kalyani Das Mishra, a scheme was formulated in 1992 when the present Hospital Management Committee took over the Hospital under which vocational training for unemployed needy women was started. Overseas Women’s Aid, a London based organization came forward to help us in this project and donated fund towards construction of 6 bed dormitory. It was completed in 1994.Till now five batches of students have completed basic training in Nursing and Para-medical training. Some of them have been absorbed as our permanent employees and a few of them have found jobs in various private hospitals and nursing homes of this region. Some have gone back to their villages and are working in their localities. At present Nursing training is not continuing as they are unable to find job after completion of training.

Weaving Centre

A weaving centre was opened in June 1999 in collaboration with Sarada Snagha, a philanthropic women’s organization. It has been named “Sarada Swayambhara Kendra”. A handloom with other weaving equipments has been installed and two numbers of students have been enrolled. The working of the center along with marketing and designing is being actively supervised by the members of Sarada Sangha and this centre is making a good progress now.


We do not receive any Govt. aid. The charges we take from the patient is very nominal. The income generated from patient care is mostly spent for maintenance and salary of the employees. For development we mostly depend on donation. We are proud that with contributions from numerous well wishers we have received fund for the development work carried out till now. A large portion of our donation came from abroad, especially from USA. Members of our USA chapter, under the leadership of Dr. Arindam Purkayastha were very active in the fund collection drive for our institution. We specially mention ONCG cachar project for their contribution towards our development. We express our heartfelt thanks and deep appreciation to our numerous donors for whose benevolence we could make this progress in last 18 years.

We have received donations and other help from many other donors and if their name is inadvertently not mentioned in this web site, we sincerely regret that.

We have organized many conferences, seminars, surgical workshops and clinical meetings in our campus. To mention a few we had multi-specialty conference in November 1992, may 1998.sepember 1999,December 2003 and December 2006, surgical workshop with live demonstration of Hysteroscopy in 1997 by Dr. Dipak nandi Majumdar, consultant Gynecologist from UK and live demonstration of Ureteroscopy, bronchoscory and open surgical anastomosis by our own faculty in May 1998. We also had guest lectures delivered by distinguished visitors like Dr. Subijoy Dutta from USA on “Medical Waste Management“ in 1996; Dr.Bhubaneswari  Aiyer from Sydney, Australia on ”Screening for Carcinoma  Cervix” in 2006; Dr. Anjan Bhattacharjee, Neuro-psychiatrist and Dr. Tania Purkayastha , Infectious Disease Specialist, both from USA delivered lecture on their respective subjects on December 2006.